Saturday, June 27, 2020

What's a Good Reason to Get a Home Improvement Loan

home improvement loans

A home is just not a roof over the head; it is more than that. Also, there are many good reasons why you need to opt for a Home Improvement loan. Whether it's a Diwali, Ganesh Chaturthi, Lohri, Onam, or events like weddings, etc. the first thing that comes to our mind is how can we renovate the home to make it look the best.

So remodelling/ renovating is an excellent way to ensure the condition and ambience of your house, as it gives the first impression in the mind of others.

But renovating a home is an expensive affair and requires significant funds to renovate your home according to your requirements. All you can do is avail of a Home Improvement loan from Shubham Housing Finance to get this job done.

This loan is similar to a Home loan. While a home loan enables you to acquire a house, a home improvement loans helps you refurbish/ repaint or improve the home that you already own.

The first question that comes to our mind is the interest rate on home improvement loans?

Many financial companies provide the best home improvement loan rates, but as a smart consumer, it only makes sense first to check the details of every company before you make a final call. You can check Shubham's home equity loan calculator on their website to check the interest rate based upon the principle on which you are taking the loan.

Home loan finance company

Can you get a home improvement loan even if you earn in cash?

Yes, Shubham Housing Finance provides loans to people who earn in cash, you can avail a loan for home improvement loan at any time. Our loan approval and verification process are quite simple, and the interest rate is low compared to other banks or financial companies.

Housing Loan EMI Calculator

Take a look at a few advantages that availing this loan offers you:

Easy qualification: As compared to other modes of funding, it is easy for you to qualify for a home improvement loan as it allows you to provide minimal documentation with simple eligibility criteria.

Private Home Loan Company

Simple application process: The procedure to apply for a home renovation loan is more straightforward than home loans. You can also complete it online or offline. Once the documents are verified, you will receive the amount in less than 90 days.

Home Loan Company

Minimal Documentation: Home improvement loans require relatively simple documentation as compared to other modes of financing. All you need is essential documentation like:

  • Identity Proof
  • Address proof such as electricity bill, ration card.
  • Income proof documents, if available.
  • Bank Statements.
  • Copies of the property papers.
Housing Finance Companies

Low-interest rate: The interest rate on a home improvement loan is much lower than that of a personal loan.

Finance Company

Hope this article will be helpful for those looking to renovate their home. If you have any query let us know in the comments.

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